Project Description
Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited is a private, family-owned firm with over 100 years of experience in agribusiness, with locations stretching across Canada from Vancouver to Halifax. P&H has grown into a diversified, vertically integrated company that is committed to agribusiness and the entire agri-food industry.
Project Features
- Slipformed Concrete Grain Annex
- 13,500 tonnes (500,000 bushels) of storage in 5 silos with above-grade reclaim and Luft Kanal unloading/aeration system (1/10 CFM/bushel on wheat)
- Transfer and distribution system rated at 500 MTPH from existing workhouse
- Connecting bridge to existing workhouse
- Upgrade Shipping Systems to 1320 MTPH
- Reclaim belt and shipping leg rated at 1,000 MTPH
- 1,000 MTPH shipping leg and existing shipping leg feed a 50 tonne bulk weigher surge garner
- Two-track rail loadout rated at 1320 MTPH
- 1320 MTPH shipping bulk weigher and sampling system
- 1320 MTPH transfer drag and retractable rail loadout spouts
- Audit recirculation spout rated at 320 MTPH
- 1320 MTPH truck loadout spout off transfer drag